About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m so happy you’re here! 
I’m Shaylin Davis, the founder of B.A.F. and I’m simply ecstatic that you’re visiting my store.

B.A.F. has become a passion of mine, bringing deep flavors and delicious food to everybody’s table in an easy way.

My passion for cooking started when I fell in love with making my family dinner every night and eventually preparing my entire neighborhood dinner every weekend. The bomb flavors you see were the dishes I was preparing and delivering all over town. I had the classic thought: "there has got to be a better way" when I was preparing 200 servings of Birria and that's when I created B.A.F..
My goal for the future is to expand to being able to partner with DV (domestic violence) shelters to provide jobs and free childcare for mothers who are starting a new life for themselves. 
Take a chance, buy a B.A.F. Bomb, eat some good food, and share with your friends and family.
